the art of living the art direction of the exhibition spaces
Driade, a progressive and constantly evolving laboratory for aesthetics, has always collaborated with innovative, eclectic designers who are able to anticipate new lines of research and trends. Driade's style is characterized by the harmonious
coexistence of different styles and languages, however, this eclecticism is always guaranteed by an equal aesthetic quality. Today the extensive Driade catalogue is divided into four brands: driad, The philosophy of living; driadechef, The culture
of cooking; driadestore, The light house; driadekosmo, The world of objects.

Ecliss Milan is an official distributor of designer furniture by DRIADE, both in Italy and abroad. Browse our online catalogue, or visit our showroom in Milan, to discover DRIADE's sophisticated selection of outdoor sofas and chairs, tables, sun beds, umbrellas and a vast range of Made in Italy designer products – all produced with meticulous attention to detail and only the highest quality materials.
Driade Nemo – Driade Pavo – Driade Capewest – Driade Pipe – Driade Toy – Driade Tokyo Pop – Driade Clover – Driade Pliè
Ecliss Milan delivers worldwide and guarantees highly competitive rates for first class delivery and START TO FINISH customer service.